Determination of the conformation of Lewis blood group oligosaccharides by simulation of two‐dimensional nuclear overhauser data

Through control of both the nmr probe temperature and of the solvent viscosity, phase-sensitive two-dimensional 1H nuclear Overhauser data (NOESY) at 300 and 500 MHz are obtained with excellent signal-to-noise ratios for Lewis blood group penta- and hexasaccharides isolated from human milk. Relatively long mixing times are required to produce measurable NOE intensities in these oligosaccharides, which makes a full relaxation maxtrix analysis necessary. By measurements of selective T1 for a few isolated 1H resonances, it was possible to generate a simulation of the complete NOESY spectrum at arbitrary mixing time for comparison with the experimental data. From an exhaustive search of the conformational space, it was found that only a small range of glycosidic dihedral angles for the nonreducing terminal Lewis blood group determinant fragments of the milk oligosaccharides LNF-2 and LND-1 produce simulated spectra agreeing within experimental error to the data. Conformational energy calculations reveal that each of these conformations is also one of minimum energy. It is concluded that the Lewisa and Lewisb oligosaccharides adopt relatively compact rigid structures in solution, as shown by the observation of cross peaks between protons in nonadjacent residues. Like the blood group A and H oligosaccharides, there exists only a small dependence of the conformation for Lewisa and Lewisb oligosaccharides on solvent. The apparent lack of dependence of conformation of these oligosaccharides on DMSO in D2O suggests that modification of solvent viscosity with mixtures of DMSO : D2O may provide a useful general strategy of NOESY studies of oligosaccharides.

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