Large-angle elastic proton-proton polarization at 5.15GeVc

We present herein the initial results of a large-angle elastic pp polarization experiment which is now in progress at the Argonne ZGS (Zero-Gradient Synchrotron) accelerator. Data for the incident proton momentum of 5.15 GeVc are presented for 30θc.m.90. These results, which extend to t4.0(GeVc)2, represent the first high-statistics pp polarization measurements for |t| values greater than ∼2.5 (GeVc)2. We observe a minimum in the polarization near t=0.8(GeVc)2, a smooth increase in the polarization until a maximum is attained near t=1.8(GeVc)2, and then a monotonic decline in the polarization until the value of zero is reached at θc.m.=90. The data are analyzed in terms of an optical model.