Absorption and Distribution of High Specific Radioactivity 2-14C-Abscisic Acid in Cotton Seedlings

High specific radioactivity (26.3 mc/mmole) racemic 2-(14)C-abscisic acid was synthesized. An aliquot of abscisic acid, 1.2 x 10(-4)m in aqueous methanolic solution, was applied to the surface of either a cotyledon or the first true leaf of 8- to 32-day-old cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L.). After various intervals (6-192 hours), the seedlings were processed for autoradiography, counting, and identification of the radioactivity. After 6 hours, radioactivity was observed moving basipetally out of the treated leaf toward the roots. Four days later, radioactivity could be detected throughout the whole seedling. After 8 days, 10% of the recovered radioactivity was found in the roots, and 80% remained in the treated leaf blade. Neither leaf type nor age had any effect on the abscisic acid movement or pattern of distribution. Isolated radioactivity from the roots was identified as abscisic acid, based on comparison with an authentic standard by thin layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, or gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.