A contrasting occurrence of clay minerals was found within a soil profile which was derived from volcanic materials in the suburbs of Fukuoka-city, Northern Kyushu. The soil profile is located on an isolated terrace, and the morphological characteristics of the soil correspond exactly to Andosols, so-called Kuroboku soils or Humic Allophane soils. The clay fraction of upper horizons of the soil consists largely of alumina-rich gel-like materials, gibbsite, and layer silicates such as chlorite and chloritevermiculite intergrades, while that of lower horizons is composed of allophane and gibbsite or halloysite. There was no positive indication of allophane in the upper horizons. Corresponding with the clay mineralogical composition, quartz is abundant in the fine sand fraction of the upper horizons, while the mineral is very scarce or none in the lower horizons, suggesting a close relation between the petrological nature of parent volcanic materials and the mineralogical composition of weathering products. The dominant clay mineral in the volcanic 1.10il might be dependent on the petrological nature of parent materials, and allophane is mostly formed from andesitic materials, and alumina-rich gel-like materials and layer silicates have come from quartz andesitic materials. Allophane would transform to gibbsite or halloysite according to weathering conditions, and aluminarich gel-like materials change to gibbsite under a well-drained condition. The soil materials have been so greatly weathered that some horizons contain gibbsite of even more than 40 per cent or halloysite over 70 per cent. The morphology and mineralogy are quite similar to so-cailed “non-volcanic Kuroboku soils.”