Study ofK¯N→YπbelowK¯NThreshold and the Dynamical Nature of theY0*(1405)

We have studied the Yπ angular distributions for the reaction KdYπN for the Yπ mass range 1350-1530 MeV. These data are used to study the K¯NYπ amplitudes below K¯N threshold. The analysis confirms previous SU(3) multiplet assignments for the Λ(1520) and Σ(1385), and indicates that the S01 channel is dominated by a repulsive background with the Λ(1405) being a small effect superimposed on the background. This conclusion is at odds with the usual K-matrix analysis of the low-energy K¯N data but is somewhat supported by recent evidence from baryon-exchange production of the Λ(1405).