The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inhaled flunisolide (FN) and triamcinolone acetonide (TAA) on basal and dynamic adrenocortical activity. A randomized cross-over design was used, comparing placebo (PL), low (L) and high (H) doses of FN (Aerobid; 250 mg/actuation; without spacer; L, 1000 mg; H, 2000 mg/ day), and TAA (Azmacort; 100 mg/actuation; with integrated actuator/ spacer; L, 800 mg; H, 1600 mg/day). Each dose was given at 0800 and 2200 h for 3 days, and treatments were separated by a 10-day wash- out. Twelve normal volunteers (mean 6 SE age, 24.2 6 2.4 yr) were studied. After 3 days of treatment, blood samples were taken before ACTH stimulation at 0800 h (10 h after the sixth dose) and after ACTH (0.5 mg) stimulation for determination of serum cortisol. Over- night (starting at 2200 h on the third day of treatment) and early morning urine collections were taken for measurements of urinary cortisol corrected for creatinine excretion. For serum cortisol (pre- and post-ACTH stimulation), there was no significant difference compared with placebo for either drug. Post- ACTH cortisol (nanomoles per L) values were: PL, 666.3; H FN, 617.0;