Distribution and Hosts of Certain North American Ticks

The distribution and hosts of 33 spp. and vars. of ticks based on collections and records in the files of the U. S. D. A. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine are presented. The distribution is reviewed in a general way and maps show the points of collection and probable distribution in the U. S. The hosts are tabulated by common names with the number of collections and number of specimens of larvae, nymphs, [male][male] and [female][female], with degree of engorgement. A list of the common names with equivalent scientific names of the 211 hosts is appended. The following species are treated Amblyomma americanum; A. cajennense; A. dissimile; A. maculatum; A. tuberculatum; Argas miniatus; Dermacentor albipictus; D. andersoni; D. nigrolineatus; D. nitens; D. occidentalis; D. parumapertus ; D. variabilis; D. hunteri; Haemaphysalis chordeilis; H. leporis-palustris; Ixodes dngustus; I. angustus var. woodi; I. auritulus; I. brunneus; I. cookei; I. cookei var. rugosus; I. dentatus; I. diversifossus; I. kingi; I. marxi; I. muris; I. ricinus var. californicus; I. ricinus var. scapularis; I. sculptus; I. texanus; Ornithodoros megnini; and Rhipicephalus sanguineus.