A novel technique of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, which combines gradient-echo and spin-echo (GRASE) technique, accomplishes T2-weighted multisection imaging in drastically reduced imaging time, currently 24 times faster than spin-echo imaging. The GRASE technique maintains contrast mechanisms, high spatial resolution, and image quality of spin-echo imaging and is compatible with clinical whole-body MR systems without modification of gradient hardware. Image acquisition time is 18 seconds for 11 multisection body images (2,000/80 [repetition time msec/echo time msec]) and 36 seconds for 22 brain images (4,000/104). With a combination of multiple Hahn spin echoes and short gradient-echo trains, the GRASE technique overcomes several potential problems of echo-planar imaging, including large chemical shift, image distortions, and signal loss from field inhomogeneity. Advantages of GRASE over the RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) technique include faster acquisition times and lower deposition of radio-frequency power in the body. Breath holding during 18-second GRASE imaging of the upper abdomen eliminates respiratory-motion artifacts in T2-weighted images. A major improvement in T2-weighted abdominal imaging is suggested.