Use of CNS Stimulant Medication in Averaged Electroencephalic Audiometru with Children with MBD

Averaged electroencephalic audiometry (AEA) was conducted on 12 children diagnosed as having minimal brain dysfunction (MBD). Each child was tested on three separate days to permit a double-blind evaluation of responsiveness to no-drug, placebo and CNS stimulant drug conditions. In addition, 9 of the 72 children were tested a fourth time to permit an examination of the two dosage levels. Lower thresholds were recorded when the subjects were tested on medication. This finding suggests that AEA with MBD children can be enhanced by taking advantage of the medication prescribed to counteract hyperactivity. It was also observed that the AEA performance of children on whom medication had a favorable behavioral effect was different from that of poor drug responders, even in the no-medication conditions.