A Report on Ephelota sp. (Ciliata, Suctorida) as an Epibiont on the Gills of Decapod Crustaceans

Histological studies on crustaceans collected from Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey [USA] and near-shore stations in the New York Bight Apex showed that a suctorian ciliate, Ephelota sp., was present on the gills of 5 spp. of decapods (Cancer irroratus, C. borealis, Ovalipes ocellatus, Callinectes sapidus and Homarus americanus). Ephelota was found on about 15% of C. irroratus, C. borealis, and H. americanus but was rare on swimming crabs, C. sapidus and O. ocellatus. The discovery of this suctorian on gills of decapods collected from recognized sewage and dredge-spoil dump sites in the Bight Apex suggests that the ciliate may be pollution-tolerant and possibly useful as an indicator species.