It has been several years now since I first suggested the name Arthropodborne Virus Encephalitides (1, 2) to describe that large group of epidemic and endemic virus infections which at that time included Eastern, Western and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, St. Louis, Japanese B, Russian-spring-summer encephalitis and louping-ill. This list is still incomplete, and even at that time when the suggestion was made, it was quite apparent that undoubtedly other virus infections would soon find a place in the group. Although the name is not euphonious, it appeared to describe the group accurately, and left little opportunity for misunderstanding or confusion. Since louping-ill and the Russian-spring-summer viruses were known to be tick-borne, it was essential to apply the phylum name Arthropoda rather than the class name Insecta. The word virus was necessary in order to exclude the African Glossina-borne trypanosomiases.