Allelic imbalance on chromosome I in human breast cancer. II. Microsatellite repeat analysis

We have determined regions of allelic imbalance in human breast cancer cells using highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, which can be rapidly typed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using very small amounts of DNA. It appears that there are several regions of chromosome I which may be the targets of allelic imbalance, including some regions which have been identified previously by different groups. The detail with which we have mapped these regions of imbalance is, however, much greater than has been previously reported, and we have been able to localise these regions to small intervals of the genome. In addition we have identified previously uncharacterised regions of allelic imbalance on chromosome arm 1p, one of which (at 1p22–31) is lost in a high proportion of malignant lesions. We are currently attempting to analyse this latter region in detail in order to identify and characterise the sequence(s) involved. Study of such regions should help us understand some of the mechanisms underlying the development and progression of breast cancer.