Intradermal Immunization With Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine

Intradermal administration of human diploid cell rabies vaccine (HDCV) was investigated in an attempt to reduce the current high cost of preexposure rabies prophylaxis. The study population consisted of 240 volunteers from a veterinary hospital, 165 of whom had prior vaccination with duck embryo rabies vaccine (DEV). Vaccine safety was good; only minor reactions were experienced, all of which resolved spontaneously. Serological responses to intradermal HDCV were excellent; 209 (99.5%) of the 210 persons who completed the study produced rabies antibody titers of 0.50 IU/mL or greater (range, 0.50 to 40.00 IU/mL). Two 0.1-mL doses of HDCV given intradermally 28 days apart provide a safe, effective, and economical method for human preexposure prophylaxis against rabies, irrespective of the previous DEV vaccination history of the recipient. (JAMA1982;248:1611-1614)