Two novelin vitrohuman hepatoblastoma models, HepU1 and HepU2, are highly characteristic of fetal-embryonal differentiation in hepatoblastoma

Using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), we present a genome‐wide screening of a mixed mesenchymal–epithelial hepatoblastoma, its recurrence and 2 novel hepatoblastoma cell lines raised from the ascites, 18 (HepU1) and 23 (HepU2) months after diagnosis of a hepatoblastoma in a 35‐month‐old boy. Both cell lines were also characterized by GTG‐banding, multicolor‐fluorescence in situ hybridization (M‐FISH) and multicolor banding (M‐Band). On the basis of CGH, we compared the cytogenetics of histologically different tumor areas of the parental tumor and its recurrence with the hepatoblastoma cell lines. We found different CGH profiles in the parental tumor rev ish enh(1q31–q32,8p,12,17,20,X), dim(4q34–q35,18q23)[cp] and its recurrence rev ish enh(8q24,17,Xq26–q28), dim(7q11.2–q21,13q34)[cp]. Although both epithelial cell lines were obtained at different times and the clonal ancestor of HepU2 had been exposed to a higher cumulative dose of chemotherapy, HepU1 and HepU2 have an identical karyotype: 48‐56,XY,+Y,dup(2)(q32–q34),t(3;4)(q21;q34),+8,+12,+13, +17,+t(18;19)(q21;q?),+20[cp] and identical CGH profiles: rev ish enh(2q24–q33,8,12,13q,17,20), dim(4q34–q35,18q22–q23). In common with previously described hepatoblastoma cell lines, HepU1 and HepU2 demonstrate a gain of chromosome 20. The in situ aberrations most closely resembling that of HepU1 and HepU2 were found in areas of fetal–embryonal differentiation of the primary tumor. Interestingly, both cell lines mimic this histology in their three‐dimensional growth pattern in vitro. HepU1 and HepU2 are thus cytogenetically and phenotypically highly characteristic of fetal–embryonal hepatoblastoma.
Funding Information
  • University of Ulm (P.641/P.677/P.744)
  • Rudolf and Clothilde Eberhardt-Stiftung, Germany (D1699)