The morphology and topographic distribution of substance- P-like immunoreactive amacrine cells in the cat retina

In cat retinal wholemounts, substance-P-like immunoreactivity (SP-IR) was localized in a distinct population of amacrines whose cell bodies were normally placed in the ganglion cell layer Although displaced amacrines accounted for 80-95% of the SP-IR amacrines in peripheral retina, this proportion decreased considerably within the area centralis, accounting for 50-80% of the labelled cells at maximum density The SP-IR cells in both the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers gave rise to well-defined varicose dendrites of uniform appearance that stratified around 60% depth (S3/S4) of the inner plexiform layer. In addition, sparse fine dendrites in stratum 1 (S1) could sometimes be traced to inner nuclear cells and occasionally to displaced amacrines. The combined SP-IR cell density ranged from less than 50 cells mm$^{-2}$ in the far periphery to more than 500 cells mm$^{-2}$ in the area centralis: the maximum density showed little individual variation despite wide differences in the proportion of displaced cells. The 39000 SP-IR amacrines in a mapped retina had a triangular topographic distribution, with intermediate isodensity lines extending vertically in superior retina and horizontally along both arms of the visual streak. Colocalization experiments established that all SP-IR cells in cat retina showed GABA-like immunoreactivity, and that the SP-IR amacrines were quite distinct from the cholinergic amacrines identified by choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry