Photorespiration: Ribulose Diphosphate Oxygenase or Hydrogen Peroxide?

Oxygen uptake and evolution in illuminated cells of Hydrodictyon qfricanum have been measured using 18O2 mass spectrometry. Earlier work showed that the light-stimulated O2 uptake under conditions of light and CO2 saturation was insensitive to cyanide and to CCCP. This was interpreted as due to a pseudocyclic electron flow, possibly associated with glycolate synthesis by the pathway proposed by Coombs and Whittingham. The work reported here was carried out at the CO2 compensation point, where light-dependent O2 uptake is higher than at CO2 saturation. The component of O2 uptake which is stimulated by lowering the CO2 concentration is inhibited by either cyanide or CCCP. This component is attributed to the activity of ribulose diphosphate (RuDP) oxygenase, which is completely inhibited by CO2 at high CO2 levels. The rate of pseudocyclic electron flow seems to be insensitive to changes in CO2 concentration between saturation and the compensation point