Ultrastructure and reconstruction of the flagellar apparatus in Chrysochromulina apheles sp. nov. (Prymnesiophyceae = Haptophyceae)

A new marine species of Chrysochromulina, C. apheles, is described from light and electron microscopy of a culture established from Danish coastal waters. The cells are among the smallest known in any species of Chrysochromulina, measuring ca. 4 μm in diameter. The general fine structure is illustrated and the structure of the haptonema and the flagellar apparatus is described in detail, based on serial sections. The flagellar root system, not previously examined in detail in any member of Chrysochromulina, is shown to consist of four microtubular roots, while cross-banded roots are lacking. Four cross-banded fibres were seen to interconnect the flagellar bases and the haptonema base. The haptonema belongs to the rather unusual six-stranded type. Two very similar looking types of small organic scales are present on the cell body. Unpublished data on the flagellar roots of the type species of Chrysochromulina, C. parva, are included. Chrysochromulina apheles is apparently cosmopolitan. It has presently been found in material from Denmark, Finland, England, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand.

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