Molecular mechanisms of odor sensing. V. Some biochemical characteristics of the alanineous receptor from the olfactory epithelium of the skate Dasyatis pastinaca

The membrane fraction of skale olfactory tissue was found to contain structures with high affinity to alanine (K D =0.l3.l0 −9 M). The acceptor sites were highly specific to alanine: only amino acids with molecular structures similar to that of alanine could compete with alanine successfully. Some parameters of the “alanine” receptor are evaluated. Triton X-100 has no marked effect on the binding of alanine. The isoelectric point of the receptor solubilized with Triton X-100 is 5.65, as determined by isoclectric focusing. The molecular weight of the receptor as determined by gel electrophoresis is about 120 000 D.