Quantitative studies on the supraoptic nucleus in the rat. II. Afferent fiber connections

Summary A quantitative electron microscopic study of synaptic terminal degeneration was performed in the supraoptic nucleus (NSO) after a variety of major transections or ablations, destroying or interrupting in different combinations the afferent pathways known from earlier and own light microscopic degeneration studies. Solutions of a set of equations, expressing the percentage degenerations in synaptic profiles after different combinations in which the several pathways are interrupted by the various interferences, enabled the authors to give the following percentage numbers for afferent synapses from different sources. 32.7% of supraoptic afferents originate from the brain stem probably representing the monoaminergic innervation of this nucleus. The medial basal hypothalamus (21.0%), amygdala (13.5%), septum (13.5%), hippocampus (8.5%) and olfactory tubercle and further rostral cortical region (17.0%) are the other main sites of origin of supraoptic nucleus afferents. There are no supraoptic afferents from the optic nerve, superior cervical ganglion or fimbria hippocampi.