Videoconferencing for Continuing Medical Education: From Pilot Project to Sustained Programme

Videoconferencing has been used to provide distance education for medical students, physicians and other health-care professionals, such as nurses, physiotherapists and pharmacists. The Dalhousie University Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) has used videoconferencing for CME since a pilot project with four sites in 1995–6. Since that pilot project, videoconferencing activity has steadily increased; in the year 1999–2000, a total of 64 videoconferences were provided for 1059 learners in 37 sites. Videoconferencing has been well accepted by faculty staff and by learners, as it enables them to provide and receive CME without travelling long distances. The key components of the development of the videoconferencing programme include planning, scheduling, faculty support, technical support and evaluation. Evaluation enables the effect of videoconferencing on other CME activities, and costs, to be measured.