Transrectal sonographic voiding cystourethrography: studies in neuromuscular bladder dysfunction

To evaluate the efficacy of transrectal real-time gray-scale sonographic voiding cystourethrography in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction of the bladder, 32 men suspected of having neuromuscular dysfunction each underwent sonographic and radiographic voiding cystourethrography and urodynamic studies. The benefits accruing from the sonographic study included: (1) patients received no radiation; (2) it was as diagnostic as, and sometimes more diagnostic than, the radiographic study; (3) drug effects were easily studied; (4) accurate measurements of urethral length could be obtained; and (5) prostate diseases that might affect these patients were visible, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic carcinoma; and prostatic calculi. In addition, sonography made one new observation possible: The seminal vesicles were enlarged in 10 patients receiving the alpha-adrenergic blocker, phenoxybenzamine. This enlargement may cause sterility.