Tectal projections in the goldfish (Carassius auratus): A degeneration study

Efferents revealed by degeneration staining following tectal lesions in goldfish are presented. Four major projections were found. Ascending ipsilateral projections to pretectal‐diencephalic areas exit the tectum rostrally and laterally and terminate in the area pretectalis (AP), lateral geniculate (LGN), nucleus pretectalis (NP), and nucleus rotundus (NR). Ascending contralateral projections exit rostrally and possibly laterally, enter the posterior and postoptic commissures and terminate in the contralateral AP, LGN, NP, NR and rostral tectum. A medially directed projection enters the intertectal commissure, and some of these fibers may terminate sparsely in an area of the contralateral tectum homotopic to the lesion. A descending projection exits the tectum laterally and projects ipsilaterally to a dorsolateral tegmental nucleus (DLT) and the lateral reticular formation of the tegmentum and pons, and contralaterally to the medial reticular formation of the tegmentum and pons.