Molecular Structure of Peptaibol Antibiotics: Solution Conformation and Crystal Structure of the Octapeptide Corresponding to the 2–9 Sequence of Emerimicins III and IV

The infrared absorption and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of chloroform solutions of the terminally-blocked segment corresponding to the 2–9 sequence of emerimicins III and IV, -(Aib)3-L-Val-Gly-L-Leu-(Aib)2-, are consistent with the presence of a 310-helical structure of high thermal stability. The crystal structure of the octapeptide, obtained by X-ray diffraction indicates the formation of a right-handed 310-helix, stabilized by six consecutive intramolecular N-H OC H-bonds, slightly distorted at the level of the L-Leu residue.