π+pπ0+nCharge Exchange Cross Sections at 20.7 and 31.0 Mev

A measurement has been made of the differential and total cross sections at 31.0 Mev and the total cross section at 20.7 Mev for the reaction π+pπ0+n. A thin-walled liquid hydrogen target was used. The gamma telescopes used a Čerenkov counter to identify the conversion electrons and a thin-lead converter to avoid complications from cascade processes. The angular distribution in mb/sr at 31.0 Mev is: dσdΩ=(1.00±0.02)[(0.51±0.04)(0.61±0.11)P1(cosθ)+(0.12±0.36)P2(cosθ)]. The total cross sections at 31.0 and 20.7 Mev are 6.5±0.5 and 5.4±0.4 mb, respectively. The data are also analyzed in terms of the phase shifts αij. Assuming that the S-wave phase shifts extrapolate to zero pion energy as αi=aiη, where η is the pion momentum in the c.m. system in units of mπc, the quantity (a1a3)=0.27±0.02. This agrees with Hamilton and Woolcock's prediction from photoproduction and the Panofsky ratio (a1a3)=0.245±0.01. There are theoretical and experimental grounds for a nonlinear behavior of α3 and α1, which should improve the agreement.