Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Ferredoxins I and II

Amino acid sequences of two ferredoxins isolated from Equiselum arvense were determined by conventional procedures. Ferredoxins I and II of E. arvense had 95 and 93 residues, respectively, and nearly identical sequences each with only one amino acid difference from ferredoxins I and II of E. telmateia (I). The overall structural characteristics of these two ferredoxins were therefore very similar to those of E. telmateia ferredoxins. Ferredoxins I and II from E. arvense differ in 31 sites and those from E. telmateia in 29 sites from each other. These facts suggested that duplication of the ferredoxin gene in one organism occurred at an early evolutionary stage long before the divergence of the two horsetail species. The number of differences in amino acids between horsetail ferredoxins and other chloroplast-type ferredoxins indicated that the duplication occurred after divergence of horsetails from other plants. Comparing green plant ferredoxins, it was estimated that this gene duplication occurred about 250 million years ago. Some comments on the unique amino acid substitutions in horsetail ferredoxins are also presented.

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