The development of cones and associated features on ion bombarded copper

Observations of ion-bombardment-induced surface modifications on crystalline copper substrates have been made using scanning electron microscopy. The delineation and development of grain boundary edges, faceted and terraced etch pits and small-scale ripple structure, together with the formation of faceted conical features, have all been observed on low and high purity polycrystalline substrates. In general, the density of such surface morphological features, although variable from grain to grain, is higher in the proximity of grain boundaries. In particular, cones are only found within regions where other surface erosional features are present and it would appear that the development of these other surface features is a pre-requisite to cone generation in high-purity crystalline substrates. We suggest the operation of a defect-induced mechanism of cone formation whereby sputter elaboration of bulk defects (either pre-existing or bombardment-induced) leads to the formation and development of surface features which, in turn, may intersect and result in the generation of cones.