Constraints on the mixing of a fourth family of quarks

This paper studies the constraints on the mixing of a possible fourth family of quarks. A mixing-angle convention is introduced in which sij≡sinθij represents to a good approximation the ij element of the quark mixing matrix (i<j). A range of parameters is found, s14s24s14s24104103 and/or s14 s34102, for which the contribution of the fourth family to the KL-KS mass difference is negligible yet may lead to dominant effects in the K0-K¯ 0 CP-impurity parameter ε. This may be realized in a scheme in which the four quark generations are mixed mostly in pairs. A possible signature of such a scheme may be an abundant rate of same-sign dileptons at Υ(4S) if the fourth up-type quark is sufficiently heavy.

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