Flux Jumping in Nb +25% Zr Wire

Flux jumping has been investigated in both cold‐worked and heat‐treated (1 h at 700°C) 0.025‐cm‐diam Nb+25% Zr wire wound into solenoids and noninductive coils of approximate dimensions: i.d.=0.3 cm, o.d.=1.2 cm, length=2.6 cm. The measurements taken at 4.2°K were: (1) The induced voltage pulses vs applied magnetic field with both I=0 and a preset transport current. (2) The induced voltage pulses vs coil current for H=0 and with a preset uniform external field. For the case with no transport current in the coil (I=0) when the external field was increased smoothly from zero, a squence of very sharp voltage pulses (flux jumps) were induced in the coil, and recorded simultaneously on both an X‐Y recorder and an oscilloscope. These flux jumps had the following general characteristics for all the cases discussed in this paper: (1) Starting from well defined initial conditions, the pulse always appeared at about the same place in the field sweeping cycle. (2) The polarity of the pulses is reversed when the direction of field change is reversed. (3) The pattern of these pulses was essentially unchanged when the field sweep rate was increased from 7 to 340 G/sec. As a result of these measurements, we have obtained new insight into both the multilevel transitions of noninductive coils and the phenomenon known as degradation of solenoids. Two successful methods are described for partially overcoming the excessive degradation of a solenoid made from heat treated wire. The flux jumps are interpreted according to an extension of a model proposed by both Bean and London.