Isochronal annealing of vacancies in aluminium

A study based on electrical resistivity measurements at liquid nitrogen temperature has been carried out on the isochronal annealing out of quenchedin vacancies in 99.995% Al. The procase of annealing takes place in two stages; the first stage is centred at about room temperature and takes place at a lower temperature the higher the quenching temperature; also the observed migration energies (in the range 0.37 to 0.58ev) and the mean number of jumps for annihilation (in the range 104 to 109) are very sensitive to the initial concentration of defects, that is to the quenching temperature. The second stage takes place at about 160°c and its amount increases largely with quenching temperature; its activation energy results in 1.3±0.2 ev. The results have been interpreted as due principally to a clustering of vacancies (first stage) and subsequent dispersion of clusters by self-diffusion (second stage).

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