Effects of US devaluation on win-stay and win-shift radial maze performance in rats.

Previous studies have shown double dissociations between win-stay and win-shift radial maze learning in terms of their underlying neural substrates. To examine the content of the associations formed in the two tasks, the authors devalued the food unconditioned stimulus (US) by taste aversion to differentiate stimulus-stimulus(CS-US) and stimulus-response (CS-CR) learning. US devaluation was performed in rats that were over- or undertrained on the win-stay task. Devaluation substantially reduced food consumption on the maze but failed to disrupt choice accuracy, regardless of the amount of training. Devaluation did not affect latency in overtrained rats but did increase latency in undertrained rats. In the win-shift task, devaluation caused rats to reject the reinforcer, yet they continued to accurately win-shift, but with significantly longer latencies (Experiment 3). The results suggest that an S-R association may mediate performance after extended win-stay training. In contrast, a US representation appears to be recalled during early win-stay and win-shift performance.