The one-sided model for a nearly planar solidification front advancing at steady velocity is studied. The model neglects impurity diffusion in the solid; the interface is stabilized by the imposition of a thermal gradient. The front, located at zs=zs(x,y), is described by the coefficients εk of the Fourier expansion for zs, and equations of motion εk=fk({ε}) are derived in the approximation where the velocity v of the interface is small. The functions fk are expressed as infinite polynomials in the {ε}. Stationary solutions fk=0 are sought with the help of a consistent truncation scheme. Truncations which involve keeping terms of up to fifth order in εk are used. Stationary profiles for both one- and two-dimensional fronts are obtained numerically, whose features are in reasonable agreement with experimental observations. In particular, the one-dimensional solutions exhibit a relatively well-developed cellular structure; this is in contrast with what happens in more conventional analyses, where higher-order nonlinearities are not accounted for. The two-dimensional stationary interfaces are of various types, displaying twofold or sixfold symmetry. It appears to be the first time that calculations of two-dimensional structures are reported.