The effect of hexachlorophene, a fasciolicide, on some enzyme systems in the liver fluke was studied. The enzymes were adenosine triphosphatase, succinate oxidase and cholinesterase. Adenosine triphosphatase was activated, whereas succinate oxidase and cholinesterase were inhibited when homogenized flukes were incubated in some concentrations of hexachlorophene. Of the three enzyme systems studied in flukes killed by hexachlorophene, only the succinate system showed reduced activity, whereas the other two showed almost normal activities. The study indicates that biochemical changes are associated with the effect of hexachlorophene on the liver fluke.Thanks are due to Dr C. Grant for critical examination of the language, to Miss Maarja Kippar for valuable help with the experiments and to Mrs Astrid Holmström for the typing of the manuscript.This work was supported by grants A 1108/B 904 and A 1635/B 1299 from Jordbrukets Forskningsråd.