Objectives: In patients with previous subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) undergoing follow up screening, the authors assessed the impact of finding but not treating very small aneurysms by comparing quality of life (QOL), anxiety, and depression between patients with a newly detected aneurysm that was left untreated (cases) and patients with a negative screening (controls) as this should be incorporated in the evaluation of effectiveness of screening. Methods: In patients with previous SAH undergoing screening for new aneurysms the authors compared QOL (SF-36, EURO-QOL, and a screening related questionnaire), anxiety, and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)) between cases and controls. Differences in scores on the SF-36, EURO-QOL, and HADS were assessed with Student’s t test and differences in proportions of patients with HADS scores in the pathological range and screening related changes with χ2 analysis. The authors powered the study to detect a moderate, clinically relevant difference. Results: Thirty five cases and 34 controls were included. Trends for health related QOL, anxiety, depression, and consequences in daily life pointed in the same direction of a less favourable situation for cases but all effects were small, and did not reach statistical significance. On the screenings specific questionnaire, cases more often (but not statistically significant) reported changes in daily life. Conclusions: The authors found no major or moderate impact on QOL, anxiety, and depression of the awareness of having an untreated aneurysm, which was detected at screening, although most items showed a trend towards more negative effects for cases. Minor effects on individual level cannot be excluded by this study.