University of Rome Carbon-14 Dates VII

We list measurements carried out between June and November 1968. Archaeologic samples are from Italian and Swat (W Pakistan) territories; all geologic samples are from Italian territory.Chemical preparation of samples, measurement technique, and the modern standard are unchanged (Bella and Cortesi, 1960; Alessio, Bella, and Cortesi, 1964; Alessio et al., 1968).For each sample of CO2 the counting rate was corrected according to mass-spectrometrically measured C13/C12 ratio. Isotopic analyses were carried out with a 6 in., 60°-sector, double-collecting mass spectrometer, designed and built by G. Boato at Ist. di Fisica, Univ. of Genoa (Boato et al., 1960) and now in use at Ist. di Geochim., Univ. of Rome. C13/C12 ratio is reported as δ-value, the deviation in parts per mil of the C13/C12 ratio of sample from the PDB standard: