The relation between the hypnotic induction profile and the stanford hypnotic susceptibility scales, Forms A and C

Measures from the clinically derived Hypnotic Induction Profile (HIP) of Spiegel (1974a) were correlated with those from the laboratory derived Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales, Forms A and C (SHSS:A, SHSS:C) of Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard (1959, 1962), and with some scores from the related Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (Shor & E. Orne, 1962). Ss were paid volunteers from student populations at the University of Pennsylvania (N = 87) and from Stanford University (N = 58). Some differences in sampling procedures and orders of testing are discussed, but only minimal differences between the 2 samples resulted. Positive but nonsignificant correlations were found between the Eye-Roll sign alone and SHSS in the 2 samples. Both the Induction (IND) and Profile scoring methods of HIP were compared with SHSS. The IND, an actuarial scale, was positively correlated with SHSS. A representative value is the significant correlation of .34 between IND and SHSS:(A + C)/2 scores when the 2 samples were pooled together. Dichotomized scores of the nominal Profile configurations score (intact versus nonintact) corresponded significantly by appropriate chi square analysis with both the dichotomized IND scores and the dichotomized SHSS scores. The results indicate that HIP, even when applied outside of its usual clinical context, was found to have a moderate relationship with SHSS.

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