Brain Activation in Young and Older Adults During Implicit and Explicit Retrieval

Positron emission tomography was used to study regional cerebral blood flow (H215O method) in groups of young and older adults during implicit and explicit retrieval, following a procedure devised by Squire et al. (1992). At study, subjects were exposed to four lists of words. Following list presentation, subjects were presented with three-letter word stems under four conditions: (1) silent viewing, (2) completion of word stems that could not form words from the study list, with the instruction to provide the first word that came to mind (baseline), (3) completion of word stems, half of which could form words from the study list, with the instruction to provide the first word that came to mind (priming), and (4) completion of word stems, half of which could form words from the study list, with the instruction to use the stems as cues for recall of list words (memory). The behavioral data indicated an agerelated deficit in cued recall that was reduced in priming. Both age groups showed a similar decrease o...