Coherent proton diffraction dissociation on helium from 46 to 400 GeV

Inclusive coherent proton diffraction dissociation on helium has been measured in the four-momentum transfer and missing-mass region 0.04<|t|<0.40 (GeV/c)2, MX2<10 GeV2 and for incident proton beam momenta from 46 to 400 GeV/c. We find that the differential cross section d2σdtdMX2 varies slowly with energy, reveals a pronounced peak at MX22 GeV2, and at large masses behaves approximately as 1MX2. The cross section falls exponentially as |t| increases, with a large slope parameter at small momentum transfers and a substantially smaller one at large |t| values, with no clear dip between the two regions as seen in elastic scattering. We compare the experimental t distributions to Glauber-model predictions and find the data provide a sensitive test of the assumptions on the details of the elementary proton diffraction-dissociation amplitudes and on the total cross sections of the diffractively produced states.