Reactions of atomic oxygen. Part 1 .—The rate of the reaction O + O2+ M→O3+ M (M = He, Ar and Kr)

The recombination of oxygen atoms with O2 has been monitored directly using kinetic absorption spectroscopy in the vacuum ultra-violet. Oxygen atoms were produced by photolysis of O2(λ > 175 nm) and the decay observed via the resonance absorption transitions (33S1→ 23PJ) in the region of 130 nm using a vacuum ultra-violet monochromator. The experimental arrangement is described, and the results for the recombination with Ar, Kr and He as third bodies are reported. An upper limit for the recombination reaction rate constant for O+CO+M → CO2+M has been obtained with He as the third body of < 4.8 × 10–35 cm6 molecule–2 s–1.