Coordinate control of balb/c3T3 cell survival and multiplication by serum or calcium pyrophosphate complexes

Balb/c3T3 cells in crowded cultures detach from the dish when deprived of serum, and the survivors incorporate 3H‐thymidine at a reduced rate. The detachment becomes pronounced two hours after removal of serum, and reaches its maximum rate between two and four hours. Cells in sparse culture are not detached by serum removal, and their rate of 3H‐thymidine incorporation is only slightly reduced. As the sparse cultures grow into more crowded cultures, and the serum is depleted, increasing numbers detach. The detached cells are incapable of reattaching when placed in a new dish with ample fresh serum. The cells are leaky to cellular constituents and appear to be dead. Detachment is a consequence rather than the cause of cell death, and can be produced by agents which inhibit cellular energy metabolism. The cells on the dish which survive serum deprivation are fully viable and grow rapidly when serum is added. When they become crowded they are as sensitive to serum deprivation as was the original population. They are therefore not selected for a low serum requirement but apparently survive because they spread into the space vacated by the detaching cells and then behave as sparse cultures in response to serum variations. Insoluble complexes of Ca2+ and pyrophosphate (Ca2+‐PPi) show the same concentration dependence in promoting cell survival as in stimulating 3H‐thymidine incorporation, showing that a single substance can be responsible for both activities. It is concluded that survival and growth are part of the coordinate response of 3T3 cells to single external effectors. The results are discussed in terms of a simple model in which the coordinate response is regulated by the availability of Mg2+ for transphosphorylation reactions within the cell, and the availability depends on the binding affinity of cellular membranes for Mg2+. The difference between survival and multiplication is postulated to be in the intensity and duration rather than the kind of stimulus.