Intermediate State Coupling and the Interpretation of High-Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering

The effect on the scattering of protons by protons of the P23F23 coupling due to an intermediate state of the two-nucleon system is investigated. The problem is treated in a scattering matrix formalism, with total angular momentum j=2, orbital angular momentum L=j±1, and partial half-width ΓL. Only the S01, D21, P03, P13, P23F23 scattering anomalies are considered. Fits to the experimental data at 240 Mev are studied as typical. For K0131°, K21>0 it is found that the data may be reasonably well represented provided (Γ1+Γ3)(ERE)0.3. It has been found possible to fit data on np and pp scattering employing phase shifts agreeing with the hypothesis of charge independence of nuclear forces. Reasonable agreement with experiment is obtained employing either the regular or the inverted order of P0,1,23 levels.