Effects of Sustained Acceleration on the Morphological Properties of Otoconia in Hamsters

We investigated the effect of prolonged hypergravity on the otoconial layer of the maculae utriculi and the maculae s in hamsters. The animals were placed in a centrifuge under conditions of 2.5 G, and remained there for 6 months. We then determined the calcium contents of the otoconia with energy dispersive X-ray element analysis, and recorded the size. shape and distribution of the otoconia. Scanning electron microscopy was used to make photos to determine the etfects of hypergravity on the shape and size of the otoconia, and on the distribution of smaller and larger otoconia. No differences were found in the calcium content, shape. size or distribution of otoconia between centrifuged hamsters and control animals. Our findings indicate that structural adaptation to hypergravity does not take place at the otoconial Level. at least not in animals subjected to hypergravity after the vestibular system was Iblly matured.