With V79 Chinese hamster cell cultures treated with a mutagen, the maximum frequency of colonies resistant to 8-azaguanine (AZG) was attained when the cells were dispersed after a suitable expression time before adding the selection medium. V79–4 cells were exposed to 500 µM MMS, 7 µM AFAA, or 10 µM MNNG and allowed to multiply before being reseeded at 4 × 104 cells/60 mm dish and selected with 10 µg/ml AZG. Maximum frequencies of 4 × 10-5, 4 × 10-4, and 2.4 × 10-3 were obtained about 100, 130, and 200 hrs after exposure to MMS, AFAA, and MNNG, respectively. The maximum frequencies following MMS or MNNG treatments were about 10-fold greater than those obtained when induction and selection of AZG-resistant colonies were performed in the same culture dish. The reseeding of treated cells eliminated the possibility of metabolic cooperation within mosaic colonies of wild-type and mutant cells and achieved expression of the induced changes before intercolony crossfeeding reduced the frequency of resistant colonies.—AZG-resistant colonies were selected in medium containing dialyzed fetal bovine serum, and the selection medium was replaced at least twice. Both serum dialysis and selection medium replacement were necessary for consistent achievement of background frequencies of resistant colonies near 10-6. Reconstruction experiments with AZG-resistant V79 lines showed that the efficiency of recovery of resistant cells in the selection medium was constant over a range of 0–20 colonies observed/dish. A mixed population of V79 and AZG-resistant cells was also correctly analyzed by the procedure used in mutagenesis studies.