Kras regulatory elements and exon 4A determine mutation specificity in lung cancer

Ras family genes are common targets for somatic mutations in human cancer: KRAS is frequently mutated in lung carcinomas, whereas HRAS mutations are common in skin tumors. Allan Balmain and colleagues use genetic engineering of ras genes in mice to show that specificity for ras mutations is determined by local regulatory elements, and that Kras 4A is the major oncogenic isoform of Kras. Kras is the most frequently mutated ras family member in lung carcinomas1,2, whereas Hras mutations are common in tumors from stratified epithelia such as the skin. Using a Hras knock-in mouse model3, we demonstrate that specificity for Kras mutations in lung and Hras mutations in skin tumors is determined by local regulatory elements in the target ras genes. Although the Kras 4A isoform is dispensable for mouse development4,5, it is the most important isoform for lung carcinogenesis in vivo and for the inhibitory effect of wild-type (WT) Kras on the mutant allele6,7. Kras 4A expression is detected in a subpopulation of normal lung epithelial cells, but at very low levels in lung tumors, suggesting that it may not be required for tumor progression. The two Kras isoforms undergo different post-translational modifications8; therefore, these findings can have implications for the design of therapeutic strategies for inhibiting oncogenic Kras activity in human cancers.