Subclasses of external adenosine receptors.

Cell surface adenosine receptors mediate either stimulation or inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity [ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC], and the receptors that mediate these different responses can be discriminated with selected adenosine analogs. 5''-N-Ethylcarboxamide-adenosine is a more potent agonist at stimulatory receptors than is N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, whereas the reverse potency order is seen with inhibitory receptors. The potency of adenosine is intermediate between the potencies of these 2 analogs. The relative potencies of adenosine receptor agonists are maintained in physiological responses in intact cells, such as steroidogenesis and inhibition of lipolysis. As with adrenergic receptors, subclasses of adenosine receptors differ functionally and pharmacologically. Experiments were performed with rat hepatocytes, adipocytes and mouse Leydig cell tumor I-10 cells.