The anatomy and morphology of the pars jugularis skull region in cichlid fishes has been used recently, and for the first time, as a crucial character to establish intrafamilial phylogenies for these African, Malagasian and Neotropical freshwater teleosts. The new phylogeny cuts across relationships postulated in previous schemes, and suggests novel and geographically disjunct intrafamilial groups. It does not, however, seem tenable. A detailed investigation of the cichlid pars jugularis, involving many more taxa and wider outgroup comparisons than were used to formulate the new classification, is described here. Apart from clarifying certain misconceptions about the anatomy of the pars jugularis in the Cichlidae, this study shows, at least in that family, that the character is valueless as an indicator of higher level intrafamilial relationships, and is of very limited value for establishing phyletic affinities at lower levels. Other osteological features used in the new classification were also tested on a larger scale. None of these, either, refutes the two other and recent hypotheses-one of intrarelationships amongst Neotropical cichlids and the second for the family as a whole.

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