Antagonism Studies on Reserpine and Certain GNS Depressants

Summary 1. Quantitative studies with electrically induced convulsions have been carried out in mice on antagonism between reserpine and the following CNS depressants-Dilantin, N-methyl-α-methyl-α-phenylsuccinimide (PM 396), phenobarbital, Milontin, phenacemide, carbromal, barbital, pentobarbital, and mephenesin. 2. Antagonism between reserpine and Dilantin appears to be competitive in nature, a facilitatory and an inhibitory effect respectively, acting on the spread of seizure discharge. 3. Antagonism data for reserpine and phenobarbital as well as those for reserpine and PM 396 were found to bear a relationship similar to that between reserpine and a combination of Dilantin and barbital, indicating a dual mechanism in their anticonvulsant effect, inhibition of seizure spread and elevation of the threshold for seizure discharge. 4. Quantitative differences in antagonism between reserpine and the various CNS depressants are apparently due to differences in the extent to which the two mechanisms are involved in their anticonvulsant effects.

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