The interactions of Gd ion, Li, and 2 substrate analogs, .beta.,.gamma.-imido-ATP (AMP-PNP) and tridentate CrATP, with the Ca2+-ATPase of rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum were examined by using 7Li+ NMR, water proton NMR, and Gd3+ EPR studies. Steady-state phosphorylation studies indicate that Gd3+ binds to the Ca2+ activator sites on the enzyme with an affinity which is .apprx. 10 times greater than that of Ca2+. 7Li+, which activates the Ca2+-ATPase in place of K+, has been found to be a suitable nucleus for probing the active sites of monovalent cation-requiring enzymes. 7Li+ nuclear relaxation studies demonstrate that the binding of Gd3+ ion to the two Ca2+ sites on Ca2+-ATPase increases the longitudinal relaxation rate (1/T1) of enzyme-bound Li+. The increase in 1/T1 was not observed in the absence of enzyme, indicating that the ATPase enhances the paramagnetic effect of Gd3+ on 1/T1 of 7Li+. Water proton relaxation studies also show that the ATPase binds Gd3+ at 2 tight-binding sites. Titrations of Gd3+ solutions with Ca2+-ATPase indicate that the tighter of the two Gd3+-binding sites (site 1) provides a higher enhancement of water relaxation than the other, weaker Gd3+ site (site 2). The average of the enhancements at the 2 sites is 7.4. These data, together with a titration of the ATPase with Gd3+ ion, yield enhancements, .epsilon.B, of 9.4 at site 1 and 5.4 at site 2. Analysis of the frequency dependence of 1/T1 of water indicates that the electron spin relaxation .tau.s of Gd3+ is unusually long (2 .times. 10-9 s) and suggests that the Ca2+-binding sites on the ATPase experience a reduced accessibility of solvent water. The Ca2+ sites on the Ca2+-ATPase may be buried or occluded within a cleft or channel in the enzyme. The analysis of the frequency dependence is also consistent with 3 exchangeable water protons on Gd3+ at site 1 and 2 fast exchanging water protons at site 2. Addition of the nonhydrolyzing substrate analogs, AMP-PNP and tridentate CrATP, to the enzyme-Gd3+ complex results in a decrease in the observed enhancement, with little change in the dipolar correlation time for Gd3+, consistent with a substrate-induced decrease in the number of fast-exchanging water protons on enzyme-bound Gd3+. From the effect of Gd3+ on 1/T1 of enzyme-bound Li+, Gd3+-Li+ separations of 7.0 and 9.1 .ANG. are calculated. On the assumption of a single Li+ site on the enzyme these distances set an upper limit on the separation between Ca2+ sites on the enzyme of 16.1 .ANG.

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