Multiple Character Analysis of Canis lupus, latrans, and familiaris, With a Discussion of the Relationships of Canis niger

A multiple character analysis was undertaken of a broadly representative sample of three species:Canis lupus (wolf), C. latrans (coyote), and C. familiaris (dog). These species are clearly and significantly distinguished by the technique of linear discrimination. The analysis provides a basis for the identification of skulls not obviously distinguishable by size or other diagnostic characters. Early populations of Canis n. niger and C. n. gregoryi (red wolf) are compared with the three species above and are found to form a cluster with lupus and to be sharply distinct from the other two species. Additional comparisons show that while lupus lycaon and niger both overlap with lupus, they are distinct from each other. This entire cluster is quite distinct from latrans, with niger being the farthest removed. A sample population of C. n. gregoiyi, from the edge of the extending range of C. latrans, was examined and found to show too great a range of variation to be attributed to a single species.