Detection of antibodies to cell surface antigens by a simplified cellular elisa (CELISA)

An improved method for screening human hybridoma antibodies to cell surface antigens is described. The following modifications have been developed: (1) rapid expansion of desired screening cell types by EBV transformation; (2) use of only 5 × 104 cells/well; (3) elimination of the need for glutaraldehyde fixation; (4) elimination of the requirement for PLL to attach cells to microplates; (5) preparation of a large number of plates which can be stored at 4° for 3 months; (6) Protein A-peroxidase ELISA assay yielding excellent replicates, low background “noise”, and high OD readings for positive wells. The techniques we have developed should greatly simplify and shorten the assay procedures for detecting human antibodies to a variety of cell surface antigens.