Under anoxic conditions most aromatic compounds are metabolized via benzoyl‐CoA which becomes reduced by benzoyl‐CoA reductase (dearomatizing); this enzyme was recently described in the bacterium Thauera aromatica [Boll, M. & Fuchs, G. (1995) Eur. J. Biochem. 234, 921−933]. It catalyzes the reaction benzoyl‐CoA + 2 e + 2 H+ + 2 MgATP + 2 H2O ← cyclohexa‐1,5‐diene‐1‐carboxyl‐CoA + 2 MgADP + 2 Pi. The iron‐sulfur protein has a native molecular mass of 160−170 kDa and consists of four different subunits. In addition a flavin may be present. The nature of the potential prosthetic group and the natural electron donor were determined. Purified benzoyl‐CoA reductase preparations contained 0.25−0.3 mol FAD/mol enzyme. Cells grown anaerobically with aromatic substrates contained a ferredoxin which represented the main, if not the only ferredoxin present. It was purified from 200 g cells with a yield of 60 mg and its N‐terminal amino acid sequence was determined. The native molecular mass was 9659 ± 2 Da as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry. The protein contained 7.6 ± 0.6 mol iron and 7.6 ± 1 mol acid‐labile sulfur/mol. The ultraviolet−visible spectrum of the protein was typical for ferredoxins with maxima at 280 nm and 390 nm (in the oxidized state). The estimated molar absorption coefficients were 63 500 M−1 cm−1 at 280 nm and 40 500 M−1 cm−1 at 390 nm. The difference spectrum between the oxidized and the reduced form had a maximum at 415 nm with Δε415 = 8200 M−1 cm−1. 1 mol ferredoxin became reduced/mol dithionite added, suggesting the presence of two [4Fe‐4S] clusters. The average midpoint potential of the iron‐sulfur clusters was −450 mV. The ferredoxin gene was cloned and sequenced. It was located in a gene cluster coding for enzymes involved in anaerobic aromatic metabolism. The amino acid sequence of the T. aromatica ferredoxin showed high similarities to several other ferredoxins containing 2[4Fe‐4S] clusters, e.g. from Clostridia and phototrophic bacteria. The reduced ferredoxin served as electron donor for benzoyl‐CoA reduction at a three times higher rate compared with the rate obtained with the artificial electron donor reduced methyl viologen. The turnover number with the natural electron donor of 5 s−1 can explain the bacterial growth rate with benzoate as substrate. Half‐maximal enzyme acitivity was obtained with 6 μM reduced ferredoxin, at an estimated cellular concentration of 70 μM ferredoxin. Both the low apparent Km value and the turnover number are consistent with the proposed role of ferredoxin in aromatic‐ring reduction.